An Important Message to Our Customers About COVID-19

New Safe Zone Cuts Available (see below)

Update As of 6/23/2020

New Save Zone Cuts Available

Governor Little’s “Phase 2” Covid-19 Re-Opening, allowed Barbershops to open on May 16th.  As of 6/1/2020 the City of Eagle Idaho has relaxed the policy of face coverings in close contact businesses.

“Safe-Zone Haircut”:  If you are immune compromised, please call the Barbershop and request a “Safe Zone” time frame.  We have reserved 8am – 9am Monday- Friday, where all staff members and customers will be required to wear a face covering.  Appointments must be made 18 hours in advance by calling 208-996-3220, and cannot be booked online or via our mobile app.

While walk-ins are welcome, we strongly encourage scheduling your appointment to avoid wait times, as we must limit the overall number of people in the shop. We are implementing rigorous health and safety standards and will continue those practices to keep our Customers and Employees safe!  These protocols include:

  • Limiting the number of people in the shop at one time

  • Although face coverings are no longer required, if you prefer your Barber/Stylist to wear a mask, please ask. They are happy to accommodate your request

  • Face-masks are available at the front desk should you request one for yourself

  • We ask that you use hand sanitizer or wash your hands when you enter the shop

  • All customers will be draped with a freshly washed hair-cutting cape

  • All Barber stations will be fully sanitized before each service

You must call 208-996-3220 to book your safe zone appointment. Should you book your appointment, if at any time you do not feel well, or are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, please call and cancel.  We will be happy to reschedule your appointment.


Update As Of May 15th, 2020


Governor Little’s “Phase 2” Covid-19 Re-Opening, allows Barbershops to open on May 16th .
We are open and booking appointments now! While walk-ins are still welcome, we strongly encourage scheduling your appointment to avoid wait times, as we must limit the overall number of people in the shop. We are implementing rigorous health and safety standards and will continue those practices to keep our Customers and Employees safe!  These measures include:

  • A 1:1 Ratio of Customers to Employees

  • Customers and Employees are required to wear a mask while in the shop

  • We ask that you use hand sanitizer or wash your hands when you enter

  • All Customers will be draped with a freshly washed haircutting cape

  • All Barber stations will be fully sanitized before each service

Should you book your appointment, if at any time you do not feel well, or are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, please call and cancel. We will be happy to reschedule your appointment.

Book online HERE or from our mobile application before slots fill up.  You may also call (208) 996-3220 and leave a message with your preferred date and time.  We will return your call within 48 hours.  

Update As Of March 23, 2020

Due to the current COVID-19 situation, effective March 23, 2020, our Lakemoor Bolder Barbershop will temporarily move to limited hours.  We will only be open Thursday – Sunday from 10:00 AM until 6:00 PM.   While walk-ins are still welcome, we strongly encourage scheduling an appointment during this time-frame to limit the overall number of people in the shop.  You may schedule an appointment by selecting the ‘Bookings’ link in the menu above.  


We remain committed to promoting rigorous standards in health and safety and will continue to take that commitment to heart as we work with our Community to tackle COVID-19.


 Update As of March 16, 2020

At Bolder Barbershop, our number one priority is the health and well being of our team and our customers. In response to the COVID-19 concerns, we want to ensure you we are taking proactive steps to mitigate the spread of the virus in our shop. As a customer, we want you to feel confident and safe when visiting Bolder Barbershop for your grooming needs.

Out of an abundance of caution, we have elevated our cleaning and hygiene procedures over and above what we already require. Our licensed stylists and barbers are well-trained in the proper sanitation of all tools and equipment before and after every client.  We are building an ever-present focus on cleanliness and continually assessing ways to enhance your safety throughout the barbershop experience.

Our Shops
We have enhanced our store cleaning procedures to include the use of disinfectant cleaner in the following ways:

  • Regularly spraying and wiping the reception seating area

  • Disinfecting the check-in kiosk regularly

  • Providing hand sanitizer in several areas of the shop

  • Disinfecting the foosball

  • Disinfecting the bathroom with antibacterial products

  • Disinfecting the door handles throughout the barbershop, regularly

  • Disinfecting any high touchpoint locations

  • Increasing shop hours on high demand days, which will provide less people per hour in the shop

Hair Cutting Stations
We have elevated cleaning and disinfecting procedures to include the following:

  • Sterilizing all tools and equipment before and after your visit

  • Sterilizing the barber chair

  • Thoroughly cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched objects and surfaces such as the countertops and sink area

  • Separating barber chairs, when possible, at a 6’ distance from another customer

Our Stylists
We have emphasized with our Barbers and Stylists, existing sanitation and illness policies, including, but not limited to:

  • Frequent and proper hand washing, before and after your service.

  • Not touching their own face

  • Covering their mouth with a tissue, properly discarding the tissue and rewashing their hands with soap and water

  • Avoiding close contact with people who are sick

Our Customers
We appreciate the following from our customers:

  • Please hand sanitize after checking yourself in at the Kiosk

  • Ask for a tissue if you feel a cough or sneeze coming on. Dispose of the tissue properly and immediately use hand sanitizer

  • Postpone your haircut or service if you are experiencing flu-like symptoms such as a fever, cough, sore throat or shortness of breath

  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.

  • Practice good hygiene to protect yourself against infection – by washing your hands frequently with soap or alcohol-based sanitizer, maintaining distance between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing, and avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.

  • Should you experience symptoms of the COVID-19 Virus, we encourage you to please seek medical attention quickly. 


We remain committed to promoting rigorous standards in health and safety and will continue to take that commitment to heart as we work with our Community to tackle COVID-19.

If you have any questions, please reach out to the team by emailing us at